(Perhaps you were expecting the continuation of the story which I have been writing for the past few months. Well, it takes a certain mood to write fiction and presently I do not think I could do justice to the plot if I attempted to write it. So I refrained myself from doing so. I am genuinely sorry for the delay. I promise to come up with it very soon though.)
The evening today was wildly romantic and the night alarmingly beautiful.I had no plans of writing this post but insomnia ( which is rare for a person like me) forced me to.Accidentally, I came across a few old mails in my mail box which I hadn't read since college.I read them.It was a lovely experience. To tell you the truth,I was juvenile and a first class idiot( but in a sweet way).It is mind blowing when you realize your own idiocy without anyone else having to tell you about it.I had a hearty laugh and I made it a point to mention it to a few dear friends of mine too.However there were certain mails from some other friends too whom I could not call up.It is not the present which forbade me to but the past which held me back.I dedicate this impromptu post of mine to a friend out there whom I might have hurt - knowingly or unknowingly.
I must have been extremely arrogant to have written you that mail on a new year. I obviously have no reasons to defend me.I know how it feels when one stands on the shores of the sea - contemplating about it. It could have been a tempestuous odyssey or an awesome voyage. I have been there myself. But it gave me no right to trade my stand with that of yours.It must have been really difficult on your part to forgive me...may be you still have not. I just want to apologize you for each and everything that ever happened to you because of me. I know I cannot undo it but perhaps I can make myself feel better when I say that I did it because I knew - everything else was simply meant to be broken.
PS: There never is one ship on the harbour but the sea is freaking lovely!