Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Quote Challenge - Day 2

Continuing with the quote challenge; on Day 2, I would like to mention the above quote from George Orwell's famous novel 1984. I love this quote because despite being so simple, it conveys one of the most powerful messages for mankind.

How many times has an individual, who claims to be free, actually feels free to express his/her beliefs or opinion without feeling scared of the consequences? We are free as long as we can boldly speak of our beliefs. What we believe is what we conceive the truth to be. There has to be absolute freedom, in every form, for a human being, to feel free. Only then a state of true democracy prevails. For an Utopia to be born, the human mind has to be free from fear. Only when we think free, we act free. The rest is just what we want and how we want it to be.

Thank you Salvwi for nominating me for this.

Since I do not know a lot of bloggers, I nominate anybody and everybody from the blogger world to take up this challenge and write about their favourite quotes.

The 3 day Quote Challenge is all about:
  1. Post one of your favourite quotes (different quote on each day) on three consecutive days. The quote can be from your favourite book, author or your own.
  2. Nominate 3 bloggers with each post to challenge them.
  3. Thank the blogger, who nominated you.

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